All Saints Garden

A series of sensory gardens with turf labyrinth

All Saints Sensory Garden

The garden spread over approximately 1 acre starts with a woodland walk which takes the children through a tunnel of giant tree ferns, their canopies giving a jungle feel which opens up into the sensory garden. Here huge concrete footsteps lead to an area of natural rocks and grasses, the tinkling sound of water and the whisper of the grasses make it a truly sensory experience.
Leading from the sensory garden the children are confronted with an immense turf labrynth, the grass mounds create a puzzling route to the centre of the feature where a flock of life-like sheep made from recycled wood and cork await. The area is surrounded by drifts of wild flowers and a stand of white barked birch form the central area where children can sit on turf seats.

A chain of stepping stones made from tree sections lead to a giant steel wind chime which tolls gently in the breeze, from here the children can glimpse the Octopus garden. A small seaside garden with an octopus made of mirrored stainless steel, its tentacles holding back sections of coloured glass that glint under the light and bounce reflections around the brilliant white sail canopy that is supported by three stainless steel masts. Seaside plants, grasses and herbs are planted amongst a mulch of sun-bleached sea shells. A quiet garden of contemplation nestles close by the sea-side garden for staff or children to sit and relax.